The St. Matthews Trade Association Insurance Trust
Flexible, Affordable Group Benefit Solutions
The St. Matthews Trade Association Insurance Trusts is a group insurance program offered to members of seven specific trade associations (please see SIC codes below). Each Trade Association Trust enables members to purchase competitive, high quality, group insurance products and services as an alternative to the rate hikes associated with the Healthcare Reform Act for businesses with 2-99 employees.
A risk-rated as opposed to community-rated program, The Trusts offer members the buying power of one. This means lower overhead expenses, more plan flexibility, expanded administrative services, and personal assistance from consultants and actuaries at no extra cost to members.
The Trusts participants have access to a complete portfolio of products and services, including managed care programs with preferred provider organizations, retail and mail order drug options.
The Trusts work with Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield to continuously review programs, with the goal of providing the most up-to-date products, cost management techniques, and administrative efficiencies.
The Trusts are governed by a Board of Trustees made up of business owners and CEOs of regular trade members and are operated exclusively for the benefit of St. Matthews Trade Association Trust participants. The St. Matthews Trade Association Insurance Trust complies with the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA).
Eligible Trade Groups are as follows:
Professional Services
Retail/Wholesale Trade
Financial and Insurance
Public/Government Funded
Questions about SMACC Trust? Click here
Look up your SIC Code here: