Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, The Chamber of St. Matthews has followed the guidance of public health officials to ensure a safe environment for our members and the community. Today, with an observed continued decline in cases, a growing vaccinated population, and more flexible state protocols for gatherings, we are excited to announce our updated in-person events guidelines.

Starting on June 1st, The Chamber of St. Matthews will begin a phased in approach to bringing back in-person events. Our full return to in-person event policy can be found below.

As conditions continue to change, the Chamber will continue to re-evaluate and update its event guidelines. For those that are not yet ready to join us in person, we will continue to offer virtual or select hybrid options for many of your favorite events, such as Inspire and Prospects and Promos. Whether in person or virtual, there is a seat at the table for all of our members.

Please review our full return to in-person events policy and the list of Frequently Asked Questions and answers below.


Return to In-Person Events Policy

The Chamber of St. Matthews is committed to the health and safety of our members and guests. By attending one of the Chambers in-person events, you are agreeing to follow the following protocol in place to keep our event attendees safe and healthy:

  • Assuming the Risk
    • By attending a Chamber event, your voluntarily assume all risks related to exposure to Coronavirus (COVID-19). COVID-19 is an extremely contagious disease that can lead to severe illness and death. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, based on the current available information and clinical expertise, older adults and people of any age with underlying medical conditions might be at a higher risk of severe illness from COVID-19. All guests should consult their physician prior to attending a Chamber event.
  • Wearing a Face Covering
    • Face coverings are required at all indoor in-person Chamber events. No exceptions. Face coverings must be worn properly (covering your mouth and nose) at all times unless seated and actively eating. The Chamber reserves the right to ask attendees that are not wearing a proper face covering to leave the event. All volunteers and staff will be required to wear a mask throughout the event for the safety of attendees.
    • In accordance with the updated recommendations from the CDC and the State of Kentucky, all outdoor Chamber events where the attendance is 1,000 or fewer are not required to wear a mask as long as they can properly social distance. However, we recommend that all attendees bring a mask in case weather causes an event to be adjusted from outdoor to indoor.
    • These guidelines are in accordance with Executive Order 2021-212.
  • Accessing Your Health Prior to the Event
    • The Chamber asks that you do not attend any in-person events if you believe you may have been exposed to COVID-19 or if you have a fever or are experiencing other symptoms of illness. Even if you have been exposed, and tested negative, we still ask that you do not attend an in-person event until you have passed the 10-day period from assumed exposure, as false negative tests are common.
    • Attendees are subject to temperature checks prior to entering Chamber in-person events.
    • These guidelines are in accordance with the Healthy at Work Minimum Requirements.
  • Keeping Your Distance
    • While attending a Chamber event, social distancing is required. You should keep a minimum of six feet between you and other attendees.
    • We ask that you do not give handshakes, hugs, or other physical touches during the event.
    • Capacity will be limited per event and kept in accordance with current guidelines.
    • These guidelines are in accordance with the Healthy at Work Minimum Requirements.
  • Registration will be Required
    • All attendees will be required to register in advance.
    • Walk-ins will not be accepted at this time and will be asked to leave.
    • If you register and do not call to cancel no less than 24 hours prior to the event (in a non-emergency situation) and do not show up, you will not be allowed to register for the subsequent event.
    • Registrations are counted towards capacity and by registering and not showing up you will be preventing someone from attending.
    • Groups such as Leads or Synergy will be asked to give notice of guests attending no later than 24 hours ahead of a meeting.
  • Sanitizing Procedures
    • Each venue hosting The Chamber events will be responsible for following strict CDC guidelines and current executive orders to host groups.
    • The event space will be set up to encourage social distancing.
    • Each venue will take all precautions necessary to reduce exposure to high-touch surfaces and hand sanitizer will be offered.
    • The Chamber of St. Matthews will also have hand sanitizer, masks, and other recommended PPE items on hand at all in-person events.
  • Networking Procedures
    • Attendees are encouraged to wear their own name tags.
    • Networking will be permitted; however, you must respect social distancing recommendations.
    • Attendees should refrain from any physical contact including but not limited to high fives, fist and elbow bumps, handshakes, and hugs.
  • Food at Events
    • Events offered during mealtimes may still offer a COVID-safe dining option. Meals may be prepackaged or an attendant-served buffet.
Will I have to wear a mask at Chamber events?

At this time, yes. The Chamber of St. Matthews is requiring attendees to wear a mask at indoor events upon entering and exiting the event facility and while moving about the space. Once attendees are seated and socially distanced from other attendees, masks may be removed. Please keep in mind that many of our venues still require masks as part of their health and safety protocols as well.

All venue and chamber staff not seated will be required to wear a mask throughout the event for your safety.

For outdoor events with attendance less than 1,000, masks will not be required per the current Kentucky state Mask Mandate.

What measures are being taken to ensure the event facility is clean and sanitized?

Events at the Chamber of St. Matthews: The Chamber’s meeting room will be sanitized daily and each meeting or event will be set up to encourage social distancing. In addition, hand sanitizing stations are placed in strategic areas throughout the meeting areas. Our restrooms are cleaned, sanitized and serviced multiple times daily.

Attendees will be asked to complete a temperature check upon arrival.

Events at partner venues: Each venue is responsible for following public health guidelines and current executive orders in order to host groups. The event space will be set up to encourage social distancing. Each venue will take all precautions necessary to reduce exposure to high-touch surfaces, such as door handles, and offer hand sanitizing stations.

Attendees will be asked to complete a temperature check upon arrival.

What can I expect with the event check-in process?

Chamber staff or volunteers will be on hand to ensure that you have registered for the event. At this time, all attendees should pre-register for events. Due to venue and seating constraints, we are not able to accommodate walk up attendance.

Attendees will be asked to complete a temperature check upon arrival.

At this time, we will not be providing nametags and encourage all attendees to bring their own. For events where attendance or other paper documents were generally given to members, that information will be emailed in an attempt to cut down on paper use and increased contacts.

Can I pay at the door?

At this time, all attendees should pre-register for events. Due to venue and seating constraints, we are not able to accommodate walk up attendance.

If you need to be invoiced for an event, please contact the Chamber office to make arrangements to do so.

How can I attend virtually?

As you are registering for events, you’ll be able to select your preference, to attend in person or virtually, where the option is available. Virtual attendees will be sent a link to view the event in an email after registration. Please note that not all Chamber events fit the requirements for a virtual attendee experience and this option may not be available for every event.

Will there be food at events?

Events offered during meal times will still offer a COVID-safe dining option. Meals may be prepackaged or served cafeteria style.

How will I be notified if there was an exposure to COVID-19 at a Chamber event?

If someone has been exposed or tests positive after attending one of our events, contact tracing measures will be performed and all exposed individuals will be notified. Contact tracing is the process of quickly identifying, assessing, and managing people who have been exposed to COVID-19 to prevent additional transmission. To learn more, visit: Louisville Metro’s Contact Tracing FAQ.